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Jowl Reduction

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Having a double chin can be genetic, but often the skin becomes loose and saggy, which is due to aging. No matter how many jowl removal exercises or diets you try, it can be very difficult to get rid of your jowl. Jowl pruritus is a common concern for both men and women. Excess fat gives the appearance of an extra chin, especially when the head is tilted down. This can cause problems with one’s self-esteem and self-confidence.

Why Does It Happen?

There are many potential causes of jowls, including diet, age, genetics, and posture. If you frequently consume more calories than you burn, fat will accumulate in various parts of the body, including the chin. Aging also contributes to jowl formation by causing us to lose collagen and elastin, which provide the firmness and structure of the skin. Your posture can also be a surprising reason, which causes the jaw muscles to weaken over time and lead to a jowl. A new trend is the tech tick, caused by the fact that we’re constantly hunched over our smartphones and laptops. However, for most people it is a genetic condition. Fat distribution is inherited to some extent, and if you are genetically predisposed to having fat under the chin, it is impossible to change it through diet and exercise. Non-surgical double chin aesthetic; HIFU is the latest technology specifically designed to target a specific focal area of ​​fat cells in the fastest possible treatment time. The technology itself works by delivering focused ultrasound energy at a depth of about 1.3 cm to break up fat cells. Due to the frequency of the ultrasound wave, this results in a heating effect that effectively destroys the fat cells under the skin and tightens the skin. The fat cells are then removed from the body for up to 3 months using their natural processes. This means that not only will it remove the fat cells that cause the jowl look, but it will also continue to tighten the skin and further reduce that appearance.

What are the Benefits of HIFU Treatment?

Fat loss only from the targeted area No damage will be done to any surrounding skin tissue or other parts of the body. The thermal effect of HIFU treatment creates a collagen contraction in the treatment area, providing a skin tightening effect that further improves the appearance of the treatment after completion.

Why Should You Choose Non-Surgical Double Chin Aesthetics?

To put it as simply as possible, jowl appearance isn’t just about being overweight, and you don’t have to be overweight to decide on chink removal treatment. Things like aging and genetics will also play a role in sagging skin, and HIFU is the perfect non-surgical solution to target loose skin and accumulated fat in the chin and neck area. Thanks to its highly targeted HIFU treatment, it can trigger the production of both collagen and elastin under the skin, reducing the lubrication and contour of both the jawline and neck at the same time.

How is Double Chin Reduction Applied?

The HIFU treatment works using the same basic principles as a non-surgical facelift, but it is done to target the neck and chin instead of targeting the face. The ultrasound energy used in the jowl pruning process is specifically targeted at the fat cells, which causes the jowl appearance and causes a thermal reaction in them, causing them to break down and effectively die. These fat cells are then removed from the body as waste through the lymphatic system during the weeks and months following treatment until the final results are seen. From the moment the treatment begins until the final results are shown, the effects of the treatment work behind the scenes to combat the appearance of oil and tighten the skin. As we are well aware of the number of beauty ads mentioning them, collagen and elastin are what are responsible for the youthful appearance of the skin and the way it returns. By triggering renewed production in the structural layers of the skin, the body effectively heals itself from the inside out. While the obvious benefit is no jowl, the HIFU treatment for jowl lick has been clinically proven to deliver results and has been tried and tested in clinics around the world. Another great benefit is that unlike other non-surgical chin augmentation treatments, it does not require the use of any numbing cream and can be applied without any recovery time, so you can return to your daily life just a few hours after your treatment.