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Russian Lip Filler Technique

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In recent years, many techniques and application methods have been developed with the increasing demands for lip filling procedures, one of the most popular one is Russian lip filler or technique, although it seems like an evaluation based on the Russian lip structure type, the main idea is always filling or aesthetics suitable for the face aesthetic. When the Russian technique is used for lip augmentation, a different and special technique is mentioned. Experience and vision, artistic vision is also required.

Too much product use does not provide good results. The important thing is to increase the volume of the lip without ducky lips, technique can provide us by curling it upwards rather than forwards. If this technique is applied correctly, the result will be excellent. In this technique, when you look from the side, the lip cannot extend forward. Asine curves upwards. Thus, the distance between the nose and lip is shortened and a younger appearance is provided.

What is the Russian technique lip filler procedure?

The biggest importance of having a natural and beautiful face is plump feminine volumized lips. While many applications can be made today with non-surgical aesthetic methods, different techniques are used on the lips to become more beautiful day by day, and the idea and idea of ​​aging well is in almost all women. It is well-established, due to many situations, the lips may be deformed or out of the desired image. Nowadays, filling applications can be easily performed on the lips without the need for surgery, without the need for anesthesia.

Russian technique lip filler procedure, which can be preferred by almost all people, is a treatment technique that can be applied easily. By creating regional numbness, almost no pain is felt. Russian technique lip filler procedure is applied. The area that differs from classical lip filling techniques is that the lip frame is not created very clearly, in the right conditions, similar to other filling applications, that is, absolutely expert.
In general, Russian technique lip filler procedure is the nomenclature of a lip filling application. The fillings used as in other classical lip filling applications are hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers, permanent filling materials are not recommended and we do not use them. In these filler applications, the permanence of the lips is similar to the general lip filling applications because the filling types used in other lip filling applications only change the technique.

With the use of the Russian lip augmentation technique, the lips get an extremely natural volume.

How to Apply Russian Technique Lip Filler Procedure?

A thin needle is selected for lip filler applied for the Russian technique. A filler specific to the Russian technique should be chosen. In other words, the filler should be an approved, not too hard filler. When done with the Russian technique, the lip does not have to be very prominent.

It is possible to obtain a natural lip with Russian technique lip augmentation. Some of our patients are surprised by our natural lip augmentation applications.
Sometimes, we recommend lip augmentation to our patients in their forties only to maintain their volume and moisture. The reason is to protect the lips, which are like lines and melt with aging, by time. Lip filler procedures made at these ages without protective augmentation will prevent the lips from melting at the level of loss in the future. It is very difficult to achieve this natural protection effect when done too late.

When applying the Russian lip technique “russian lips”, it may be necessary to dissolve the previous filling in the lips that have been filled and swollen, look like sausage or have a swollen upper lip. It can be difficult to bend back the lips that have been done before and have swollen upper lips. The technique requires a special skill and experience.

Are There Any Side Effects of Lip Filler Procedure Made with Russian Technique?

It is no different from any filler as a side effect. It is recommended to be done in experienced hands and by a doctor. Otherwise, it may be difficult to correct the side effects that will occur.

What is the Difference in Lip Filler Made with Russian Technique?

In the technique called Russian lip, the lips never duck forward. Rather, it curves upwards. It has a lift effect on the lips. The nose lip line is shortened. It does not look filled. If desired, it can also be made in the form of a more prominent butterfly.

What is the permanence period of Russian technique lip filler procedure?

Russian technique lip augmentation applications “Russian Lips” are asked how long the permanence of the lips will be, although the permanence usually depends on the skin type, it can be between 15 and 20 months.

Will there be pain in practice and when to return to daily life ?

Creams are applied for local anesthesia and the application is completed with the feeling with easy bites.
After the Russian technique lip filler applications, return to daily life is immediate, but for the first 1-2 days, you should not be in very hot areas such as Turkish baths and saunas, and beverages should not be preferred.

At What Age Should Russian Lips Lip Filler Procedure Be Applied?

Just like all aesthetics and surgeries, it is more correct to perform the filling process from the age of 18. It is not appropriate to do it at an earlier age, considering the maturation. However, if there is any asymmetry or deformity, a suitable time for the procedure can be determined by consulting a specialist doctor.

No Loss of Feeling on the Lips After Russian Lip Filler Technique!

Russian lip filler technique is applied by a hyaluronic acid based dermal filler. Such fillers are evenly distributed rather than staying in one area. Therefore, it has no effect on the nerves in the lip. In such a case, there is no deterioration in the sensation of the lip. In addition, you will not experience mimic loss as a result of this process.